
Etymology 1

PIE word *méǵh₂s From Middle English maisterli, from maister (“leader, ruler; high official; official in charge of a place; person in control; employer; owner; schoolmaster, teacher; scholar, sage; holder of a master's degree; religious teacher; master craftsman; expert; magician; social superior; husband; lover; Jesus Christ; a god; male stud animal”) + -li (suffix forming adjectives). Maister is derived from Old English mæġester (“master”) and Old French maistre (“master”) (modern French maître), both from Latin magister (“teacher; master”), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *méǵh₂s (“big, great”). The English word is analysable as master + -ly.


  1. Executed in the manner of a master; showing competence and skill; masterful.
    Her years of experience enabled her to render a masterly performance.
    I have therefore drawn this Picture of her, which your Ladiſhip ſees; and I conceive it, to be very like the Originall, though the hand be not so maſterlie, as the Perſon deſerves, and I wiſh. 1659 (indicated as 1660), Tobie Mathews [i.e., Tobie Matthew], “A Most Humble Servant, to a Most Noble Lady; with Thanks to Her for Some Favours, and Desires of More”, in John Donne, editor, A Collection of Letters, Made by Sʳ Tobie Mathews Kᵗ.[…], London: […] Henry Herringman,[…], →OCLC, page 128
    samuel [Wesley], the youngeſt, though he was three years old before he aimed at a tune, yet by conſtantly hearing his brother Charles Wesley junior] practiſe, and being accuſtomed to good muſic and maſterly execution, before he was ſix years old arrived at ſuch knowledge in muſic, that his extemporary performance on keyed inſtruments, like [Wolfgang Amadeus] mozart's, was ſo maſterly in point of invention, modulation, and accuracy of execution, as to ſurpaſs, in many particulars, the attainments of moſt profeſſors at any period of their lives. 18 February 1779, Charles Burney, “XVIII. Account of an Infant Musician.”, in Philosophical Transactions, of the Royal Society of London, volume LXIX, part I, London: […] J[ohn] Nichols, successor to Mr. [William] Bowyer; for Lockyer Davis, printer to the Royal Society, →DOI, →OCLC, pages 202–203
    I fancied you had good Diſpoſitions which, under maſterlie Trayning, would ripen into noble Principles; and therefore promoted your Marriage as far as my Intereſt with your Father had Weight. A use of the obsolete spelling of the word for literary effect. [1849], [Anne Manning], “[Aug. 1, 1644]”, in The Maiden & Married Life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton, London: […] Hall, Virtue, & Co.[…], →OCLC, page 177
    It is a great moment even for a great artist when he can sit and sigh in solitary satisfaction before a finished picture. I had looked at it while I was waiting for dinner, and even in that empty hour it had seemed masterly; so that now, … I expected to feel in it that which surpasses the merely masterly of talent (to which degree of excellence ordinary painters, undowered by the divine afflatus, may attain by eminent industry) and approaches the superb – ecstatic. a. 1944, Sarah Grand, “The Undeniable: A Fantasia”, in Elaine Showalter, editor, Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin de Siècle, New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, published 1993, page 262
    This is a masterly work of condensation, omitting nothing of importance and providing a most readable book that for a modest half-crown is incredibly good value. 1962 October, “New Reading on Railways: Great Western. By Cecil J. Allen, Ian Allan. 2s 6d.”, in Modern Railways, unnumbered page
    In 'Une page d'amour' by Emile Zola I found several townscapes painted or drawn in a masterly, masterly fashion – entirely in the sentiment of the simple passage in your letter. 2014, Vincent van Gogh, “244 | The Hague, Thursday, 6 July 1882 | To Theo van Gogh (D)”, in Lynne Richards, John Rudge, Diane Webb, transl., edited by Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten, and Nienke Bakker, Ever Yours: The Essential Letters, New Haven, Conn., London: Yale University Press, page 214
  2. (usually derogatory, obsolete) Like a master; arbitrary; domineering, imperious.
    Many times fear is a profitable and an active ſervant, if it do not dominere and grow maſterlie. 1653, Arthur Wilson, “[A Letter to My Lord Monteagle William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle]]”, in The History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of King Iames the First,[…], London: […] Richard Lownds,[…], →OCLC, page 30
    Mrs. Muskrat had been somewhat timid about displaying these gold teeth. The fashion had not yet reached Green Meadows, but her husband had urged her to do it. "Nonsense, girle," he had said in his masterly manner, "I've got the money to buy the best gold teeth in the world, and why shouldn't you wear them?" 1921 April, Donald Ogden Stewart, “Bedtime Stories for Grown-ups: Mr. Thornton Burgess Rewritten by Three Eminent American Novelists”, in Frank Crowninshield, editor, Vanity Fair, volume 16, number 2, New York, N.Y.: Vanity Fair Publishing Company, →OCLC, section III (Jeremiah Muskrat—Financier by Theodore Dreiser), page 90, column 3

Etymology 2

From Middle English maisterli (“artistically; skilfully; in the manner of a conqueror or master; overconfidently”), from maister (see etymology 1) + -li (suffix forming adverbs); analysable as master + -ly (suffix forming adverbs).


  1. (archaic) In a masterful manner; competently, masterfully.
    At length the sound of a flute broke upon mine ear; it was not played masterly, but the tones were very sweet; and what is more correct, perhaps, they harmonized with my feelings. 1818 January, “The Flute-player.—A Hint to the Discontented.”, in La Belle Assemblée; being Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine (New and Improved Series), volume XVII, number 106, London: […] John Bell,[…], →OCLC, page 21, column 1

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