Wordscapes - Level 1191 Solution
Below is the answer for level 1191 in the Wordscapes game. This level is part of the Cliff group, in set View. It has a regular difficulty rating.
M | G | |||||
G | L | I | M | M | E | R |
R | I | |||||
G | E | R | M | M | ||
R | I | E | ||||
G | I | R | L | |||
M | E |
Letters available
G, L, E, I, M, R, M
Level words
- GERM (biology) The small mass of cells from which a new organism develops; a seed, bud, spore, or zygote.
- GIRL A young female animal (especially a human).
- GLIMMER A faint light; a dim glow.
- GRIM Dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding.
- GRIME Dirt, grease, soot, etc. that is ingrained and difficult to remove.
- MIRE Deep mud; moist, spongy earth.
- RILE To stir or move from a state of calm or order.
Verified bonus words
We've validated some bonus words for the puzzle, this is not necessarily an exhaustive list... always be on the lookout for more!
- LIME (chemistry) Any inorganic material containing calcium, usually calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).
- MILE The international mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 1.609344 kilometers established by treaty among Anglophone nations in 1959, divided into 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.
- MIME A form of acting without words; pantomime.
Even more words
There are also some words which are in our dictionary, but we haven't validated whether Wordscapes accepts them as a valid word:
- EMIR A prince, commander or other leader or ruler in an Islamic nation.
- GIMME (colloquial) That which is easy to perform or obtain, especially in sports.
- LIRE (UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) Flesh, brawn, or muscle; the fleshy part of a person or animal in contradistinction to the bone and skin.
- MILER (sports, often in combination) An athlete or a horse who specializes in running races of one mile, or a specified number of miles.
- RIME (meteorology) Ice formed by the rapid freezing of cold water droplets of fog on to a cold surface.
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Disclaimer We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Wordscapes developers (PeopleFun Inc.), we're just avid enjoyers of word games. This tool is for educational purposes, we'd always recommend trying to solve the puzzle within the confines of the game first.