Wordscapes - Level 4430 Solution
Below is the answer for level 4430 in the Wordscapes game. This level is part of the Galaxy group, in set Sky. It has a regular difficulty rating.
W | A | D | D | L | E | ||||
D | A | E | |||||||
A | D | A | |||||||
L | E | L | E | A | D | ||||
D | E | A | D | D | L | ||||
D | A | W | D | L | E | ||||
L | W | ||||||||
W | E | L | D |
Letters available
L, D, D, W, A, E
Level words
- ADDLE (provincial, Northern England) To earn, earn by labor; earn money or one's living.
- DALE (chiefly Britain) A valley, often in an otherwise hilly area.
- DAWDLE (transitive) Chiefly followed by away: to spend (time) without haste or purpose.
- DEAD (usually not comparable) No longer living; (usually only when referring to people) deceased. (Also used as a noun.)
- DEAL (often followed by of) An indefinite quantity or amount; a lot (now usually qualified by great or good).
- LEAD (uncountable) A heavy, pliable, inelastic metal element, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished; both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic number 82, symbol Pb (from Latin plumbum).
- LEWD Lascivious, sexually promiscuous, rude.
- WADDLE A squat, swaying gait.
- WADED simple past and past participle of wade
- WELD A herb (Reseda luteola) related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America, used to make a yellow dye.
Verified bonus words
We've validated some bonus words for the puzzle, this is not necessarily an exhaustive list... always be on the lookout for more!
- AWED simple past and past participle of awe
- WADE (intransitive) to walk through water or something that impedes progress.
Even more words
There are also some words which are in our dictionary, but we haven't validated whether Wordscapes accepts them as a valid word:
- LADE To fill or load (related to cargo or a shipment).
- LADED simple past and past participle of lade
- WALE A ridge or low barrier.
- WALED simple past and past participle of wale
- WEAL (literary) Welfare, prosperity.
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Disclaimer We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Wordscapes developers (PeopleFun Inc.), we're just avid enjoyers of word games. This tool is for educational purposes, we'd always recommend trying to solve the puzzle within the confines of the game first.