Wordscapes - Level 5064 Solution
Below is the answer for level 5064 in the Wordscapes game. This level is part of the Crest group, in set Peak. It has a regular difficulty rating.
S | |||||||||
T | S | O | N | N | E | T | |||
O | N | ||||||||
N | N | S | |||||||
E | T | O | N | E | S | ||||
T | T | N | E | T | |||||
N | O | N | E | O | O | ||||
E | E | S | E | N | T | E | |||
S | O | N | E | ||||||
T | E | N | T |
Letters available
N, T, S, E, N, O
Level words
- NEON (uncountable) The chemical element (symbol Ne) with an atomic number of 10. The second of the noble gases, it is a colourless, odorless inert gas.
- NEST A structure built by a bird as a place to incubate eggs and rear young.
- NET A mesh of string, cord or rope.
- NONE Not any of a given number or group.
- NOTE A symbol or annotation.
- ONE The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.
- ONSET (archaic) An attack; an assault especially of an army.
- SENT simple past and past participle of send
- SET (transitive) To put (something) down, to rest.
- SNOT (informal, uncountable) Mucus, especially mucus from the nose.
- SONNET A fixed verse form of Italian origin consisting of fourteen lines that are typically five-foot iambics and rhyme according to one of a few prescribed schemes.
- STONE (uncountable) A hard earthen substance that can form large rocks.
- TEN The number occurring after nine and before eleven, represented in Arabic numerals (base ten) as 10 and in Roman numerals as X.
- TOE Each of the five digits on the end of the foot.
- TONE (music) A specific pitch.
Verified bonus words
We've validated some bonus words for the puzzle, this is not necessarily an exhaustive list... always be on the lookout for more!
- EONS plural of eon
- NETS plural of net
- NOSE A protuberance on the face housing the nostrils, which are used to breathe or smell.
- NOT Negates the meaning of the modified verb.
- ONES plural of one
- SON One's male offspring.
- TENS plural of ten
- TOES plural of toe
- TON Any of various units of mass, (historical) originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun, particularly
- TONS plural of ton
Even more words
There are also some words which are in our dictionary, but we haven't validated whether Wordscapes accepts them as a valid word:
- ENS (philosophy) An entity or being; an existing thing, as opposed to a quality or attribute.
- EON (US) Eternity.
- NOES plural of no
- NON Obsolete form of none.
- NOTES plural of note
- SOT (archaic) stupid person; fool
- STENO a stenographer, someone whose job is to take dictation in shorthand
- TENON A projecting member left by cutting away the wood around it, and made to insert into a mortise, and in this way secure together the parts of a frame.
- TENONS plural of tenon
- TONES plural of tone
- TONNE (chiefly UK) Synonym of metric ton, a unit of mass equal to 1000 kg.
- TONNES plural of tonne
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Disclaimer We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Wordscapes developers (PeopleFun Inc.), we're just avid enjoyers of word games. This tool is for educational purposes, we'd always recommend trying to solve the puzzle within the confines of the game first.