Wordscapes - Level 5488 Solution
Below is the answer for level 5488 in the Wordscapes game. This level is part of the Meadow group, in set Fall. It has a hard difficulty rating.
B | E | Q | U | E | S | T | |||||
S | U | ||||||||||
T | U | B | E | B | E | S | E | T | |||
U | S | ||||||||||
B | U | S | T | B | |||||||
S | S | E | E | S | |||||||
B | E | S | T | B | E | E | E | U | |||
U | E | T | T | E | E | ||||||
B | U | T |
Letters available
E, U, T, S, B, E, Q
Level words
- BEE A flying insect, of the clade Anthophila within the hymenopteran superfamily Apoidea, known for its organised societies (though only a minority have them), for collecting pollen and (in some species) producing wax and honey.
- BEET Beta vulgaris, a plant with a swollen root which is eaten or used to make sugar.
- BEQUEST The act of bequeathing or leaving by will.
- BESET (transitive) To surround or hem in.
- BEST superlative form of good: most good.
- BET A wager, an agreement between two parties that a stake (usually money) will be paid by the loser to the winner (the winner being the one who correctly forecast the outcome of an event).
- BUST (transitive, colloquial, chiefly US) To break.
- BUT Apart from, except (for), excluding.
- QUEST A journey or effort in pursuit of a goal (often lengthy, ambitious, or fervent); a mission.
- SEE (transitive) To perceive or detect someone or something with the eyes, or as if by sight.
- SET (transitive) To put (something) down, to rest.
- STUB Something blunted, stunted, or cut short, such as stubble or a stump.
- SUE (transitive) To file a legal action against someone, generally a non-criminal action.
- TEE The name of the Latin-script letter T.
- TUB A flat-bottomed vessel, of width similar to or greater than its height, used for storing or packing things, or for washing things in.
- TUBE Anything that is hollow and cylindrical in shape.
- USE The act of using.
Verified bonus words
We've validated some bonus words for the puzzle, this is not necessarily an exhaustive list... always be on the lookout for more!
- BEES plural of bee
- BETS plural of bet
- BUS (automotive) A motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads; by extension, the driver of said vehicle
- BUTS plural of but
- SUB Abbreviation of submarine.
- TEES plural of tee
- TUBS plural of tub
Even more words
There are also some words which are in our dictionary, but we haven't validated whether Wordscapes accepts them as a valid word:
- BEETS plural of beet
- SUET The fatty tissue that surrounds and protects the kidneys; that of sheep and cattle is used in cooking and in making tallow.
- TUBES plural of tube
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Disclaimer We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Wordscapes developers (PeopleFun Inc.), we're just avid enjoyers of word games. This tool is for educational purposes, we'd always recommend trying to solve the puzzle within the confines of the game first.