Wordscapes - Level 970 Solution
Below is the answer for level 970 in the Wordscapes game. This level is part of the Lake group, in set Calm. It has a superhard difficulty rating.
N | R | |||||||||
C | I | I | ||||||||
R | C | L | I | N | K | N | I | L | ||
I | N | K | C | I | L | K | I | |||
N | Y | I | N | N | ||||||
K | L | I | C | K | ||||||
L | R | |||||||||
Y | L | Y | R | I | C | Y |
Letters available
L, Y, C, I, R, K, N
Level words
- CLINK (onomatopoeia) The sound of metal on metal, or glass on glass.
- CRINKLY That crinkles.
- CRY (intransitive) To shed tears; to weep.
- ICY Pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in ice; cold; frosty.
- ILK (Scotland and Northern England) Very; same.
- INK A pigment (or dye)-based fluid used for writing, printing etc.
- KIN Race; family; breed; kind.
- LICK (transitive) To stroke with the tongue.
- LINK A connection between places, people, events, things, or ideas.
- LYRIC (poetry) Of, or relating to a type of poetry (such as a sonnet or ode) that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings, often in a songlike style
- NICK A small cut in a surface.
- NIL Nothing; zero.
- RINK (UK dialectal) A man, especially a warrior or hero.
- YIN (philosophy) A principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with dark, cool, female, etc. elements of the natural world.
Verified bonus words
We've validated some bonus words for the puzzle, this is not necessarily an exhaustive list... always be on the lookout for more!
- ICKY (informal) Unpleasantly sticky; yucky; disgusting.
- INKY Of the colour of ink, especially black ink; dark.
Even more words
There are also some words which are in our dictionary, but we haven't validated whether Wordscapes accepts them as a valid word:
- IRK (transitive) to irritate; annoy; bother
- KILN An oven or furnace or a heated chamber, for the purpose of hardening, burning, calcining or drying anything; for example, firing ceramics, curing or preserving tobacco, or drying grain.
- RICK Straw, hay etc. stored in a stack for winter fodder, commonly protected with thatch.
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Disclaimer We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Wordscapes developers (PeopleFun Inc.), we're just avid enjoyers of word games. This tool is for educational purposes, we'd always recommend trying to solve the puzzle within the confines of the game first.