
Etymology 1

From Middle English gon, goon, from Old English gān (“to go”), from Proto-West Germanic *gān, from Proto-Germanic *gāną (“to go”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰeh₁- (“to leave”). The inherited past tense form yode (compare Old English ēode) was replaced through suppletion in the 15th century by went, from Old English wendan (“to go, depart, wend”). cognates and related terms Cognate with Scots gae (“to go”), West Frisian gean (“to go”), Dutch gaan (“to go”), Low German gahn (“to go”), German gehen (“to go”), Swedish and Danish gå (“to go”), Norwegian gå (“to walk”). Compare also Albanian ngah (“to run, drive, go”), Ancient Greek κιχάνω (kikhánō, “to meet with, arrive at”), Avestan 𐬰𐬀𐬰𐬁𐬨𐬌 (zazāmi), Sanskrit जहाति (jáhāti).


  1. To move:
    1. (intransitive) To move through space (especially to or through a place). (May be used of tangible things like people or cars, or intangible things like moods or information.)
      […] there was a general sense of panic going through the house; […] 2005, David Neilson, Standstill, page 159
      Telegrams to London went by wire to Halifax, Nova Scotia, thence by steam mail packet to Liverpool, […] 2013, Mike Vouri, The Pig War: Standoff at Griffin Bay, page 177
      I have to go now. Audio (US) (file) 2016, VOA Learning English (public domain)
      Why don’t you go with us?
      This train goes through Cincinnati on its way to Chicago.
      Chris, where are you going?
      There's no public transit where I'm going.
      Wow, look at him go!
    2. (intransitive) To move or travel through time (either literally—in a fictional or hypothetical situation in which time travel is possible—or in one's mind or knowledge of the historical record). (See also go back.)
      You have to go all the way back to Herbert Hoover to see a performance in the Standard & Poors 500 equal to what we are experiencing right now. September 18 2002, Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 107th Congress, second session; Senate, page 17033
      "I don't know how to tell you this, Aubrey, but you can't go back to 1938 […] the program won't accept any date that I input before 1941." […] "Well, I'll go to 1941, then." 2010, Charlotte Sadler, Time for One More Dance, page 162
      Yesterday was the second-wettest day on record; you have to go all the way back to 1896 to find a day when more rain fell.
      Fans want to see the Twelfth Doctor go to the 51st century to visit River in the library.
    3. (intransitive) To navigate (to a file or folder on a computer, a site on the internet, a memory, etc).
      To access Office-related TechNet resources, go to www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/office. 2009, David J. Clark, The Unofficial Guide to Microsoft Office Word 2007, page 536
      Go to your earliest memory and to your favorite one, then to one that's difficult to consider. 2009, Lisa W. Coyne, Amy R. Murrell, The Joy of Parenting
      Go to drive C: through My Computer (or Computer in Windows 7 and Vista) and double-click the c:\data folder. 2012, Glen E. Clarke, Edward Tetz, CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, page 280
    4. To move (a particular distance, or in a particular fashion).
      The car went a short distance, then halted. There was something wrong with the carburetor. 2003, Harrison E. Salisbury, The 900 Days: The Siege of Leningrad, page 307
      We've only gone twenty miles today.
      This car can go circles around that one.
    5. (intransitive) To move or travel in order to do something, or to do something while moving.
      We went swimming.
      Let's go shopping.
      ’[R]e you another agoin’ on this crazy voyage? 1932, Delos W. Lovelace, King Kong, published 1965, page 2
    6. (intransitive) To leave; to move away.
      Please don't go!
      I really must be going.
      Workmen were coming and going at all hours of the night.
    7. (obsolete, intransitive) To walk; to travel on one's feet.
      ‘As for that,’ seyde Sir Trystram, ‘I may chose othir to ryde othir to go.’ 1485, Thomas Malory, Le Morte d'Arthur, Book XII
      Master Piercie our new President, was so sicke hee could neither goe nor stand. 1624, John Smith, Generall Historie, Kupperman, published 1988, page 129
      Other brunts I also look for; but this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go. 1684, John Bunyan, “Battle with Giant Slay-good”, in The Pilgrim's Progress, Part II Section 3
  2. (intransitive, chiefly of a machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).
    The engine just won't go anymore.
    'Although the lemon is now black and shrivelled the motor is still going strong. If I can make my small motor run for month after month on a single lemon, just imagine how much "juice" there must be in a whole sackful', Mr Ashill said. 1997, New Scientist, volume 154, page 105
    […] though his publisher swears black and blue that Kelder is still going strong and still remains an intensely private person. 2008, Michael Buckley, Shangri-La: A Practical Guide to the Himalayan Dream, page 146
  3. (intransitive) To start; to begin (an action or process).
    Get ready, get set, go!
    On your marks, get set, go!
    On your marks, set, go!
    Here goes nothing.
    Let's go and hunt.
    Be listening for my voice. Go when you hear my voice say go. 2001 June 18, a prophecy, quoted in Mary and the Unity of the Church →ISBN, page 49
  4. (intransitive) To take a turn, especially in a game.
    It’s your turn; go.
  5. (intransitive) To attend.
    I go to school at the schoolhouse.
    She went to Yale.
    They only go to church on Christmas.
  6. To proceed:
    1. (intransitive) To proceed (often in a specified manner, indicating the perceived quality of an event or state).
      That went well.
      "How are things going?" "Not bad, thanks."
      I think, as the world goes, he was a good sort of man enough. 1727, John Arbuthnot, Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures. Explain'd and exemplify'd in several dissertations
      I certainly won't mention it to Ben, and will go carefully if he mentions it to me. 1986, The Opera Quarterly, volume 4, numbers 3-4, page 24
    2. (intransitive, colloquial, with another verb, sometimes linked by and) To proceed (especially to do something foolish).
      Why'd you have to go and do that?
      Why'd you have to go do that?
      He just went and punched the guy.
      And even if she had believed the story about a John Smith, she might go telling everyone in town about what she'd seen. 2011, Debra Glass, Scarlet Widow, page 96
  7. To follow or travel along (a path):
    1. To follow or proceed according to (a course or path).
      I'm repeating it: I wish that you would go this path up to its end, that you shall find salvation! 1951?, Gunther Olesch et al., Siddhartha, translation of original by Hermann Hesse
      Let's go this way for a while.
      She was going that way anyway, so she offered to show him where it was.
    2. To travel or pass along.
      A shady promenade went the length of the street and the entrance to the hotel was a few steps back in the darkness, away from the glaring sunshine. 2010, Luke Dixon, Khartoum, page 60
  8. (intransitive) To extend (from one point in time or space to another).
    This property goes all the way to the state line.
    I think those figures start from 1932 and go to 1941, inclusive, […] 1946, Hearings Before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Congress of the United States, Seventy-ninth Congress, First Session, page 2459
    Even though they can give a basic fact such as 4×4, I don't know that this knowledge goes very deep for them. 2007, Math for All: Differentiating instruction, grades K-2, page 38
  9. (intransitive) To lead (to a place); to give access to.
    Does this road go to Fort Smith?
    “Where does this door go?” Bev asked as she pointed to a door painted a darker green than the powder green color of the carpet. Janet answered. “That door goes to the back yard.” 2013, Without Delusion, page 191
  10. (copulative) To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)
    You'll go blind.  The milk went bad.
    I went crazy.
    After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.
    The video clip went viral.
    Don't tell my Mum: she'll go ballistic.
    Referring to the American radicals who went Hollywood in the 1930s, Abraham Polonsky argues that "you can't possibly explain the Hollywood communists away […]" 2001, Saverio Giovacchini, Hollywood Modernism: Film and Politics, page 18
  11. To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.
    There is scarcely a business man who is not occasionally asked to go bail for somebody. 1912, The Bookseller, Newsdealer and Stationer, volume 36, page 17
    Most welfare workers are not allowed to go surety for clients. 2010, Jane Sanders, Youth Justice: Your Guide to Cops and Courts
  12. (intransitive, copulative) To continuously or habitually be in a state.
    I don't want my children to go hungry.
    We went barefoot in the summer.
  13. (copulative) To come to (a certain condition or state).
    They went into debt, she goes to sleep around 10 o'clock.
    the local shop wants to go digital, and eventually go global.
  14. (intransitive) To change (from one value to another) in the meaning of wend.
    The traffic light went straight from green to red.
  15. To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).
    How did your meeting with Smith go?
    When Wharton had to relinquish his seat in Buckinghamshire on his elevation to the peerage in 1696, he was unable to replace himself with a suitable man, and the by-election went in favour of a local Tory, Lord Cheyne. 2014, Tim Harris, Politics Under the Later Stuarts, page 195
  16. (intransitive) To tend (toward a result).
    Well, that goes to show you.
    These experiences go to make us stronger.
  17. To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.
    qualities that go to make a lady / lip-reader / sharpshooter
    What can we know of any substance or existence, but as made up of all the qualities that go to its composition: extension, solidity, form, colour; take these away, and you know nothing. 1839, A Challenge to Phrenologists; Or, Phrenology Tested, page 155
    The avoirdupois pound is one of 7,000 grains, and go to the pound. 1907, Patrick Doyle, Indian Engineering, volume 41, page 181
  18. To pass, to be used up:
    1. (intransitive, of time) To elapse, to pass; to slip away. (Compare go by.)
      The time went slowly.
      But the days went and went, and she never came; and then I thought I would come here where you were. 1850, “Sketches of New England Character”, in Holden's Dollar Magazine, volumes 5-6, page 731
      The rest of the morning went quickly and before Su knew it Jean was knocking on the door […] 2008, Sue Raymond, Hidden Secrets, page 357
    2. (intransitive) To end or disappear. (Compare go away.)
      After three days, my headache finally went.
    3. (intransitive) To be spent or used up.
      His money went on drink.
      All I have is a sleeping bag right now. All my money goes to keep up the cars. 2011, Ross Macdonald, Black Money, page 29
  19. (intransitive) To die.
    After two years of swaddled invalidism, Mrs. Morton emitted a final gassy sigh and died, whereas twenty years later Elihu was to go “just like that,” as the neighbors said, from a stroke. 1978, David Galloway, A Family Album, London: John Calder, page 36
    "Your father's gone." "Okay, okay, the Gaffer's kicked off. What happened?" 1997, John Wheatcroft, The Education of Malcolm Palmer, page 85
  20. (intransitive, cricket) To be lost or out:
    1. (intransitive, cricket, of a wicket) To be lost.
    2. (intransitive, cricket, of a batsman) To be out.
  21. To break down or apart:
    1. (intransitive) To collapse or give way, to break apart.
      I wonder if I hopped up and down, would the bridge go? 1998, Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, page 157
      Sober-eyed commentators safe in their television studios interviewed engineers about the chances that the rest of the dam could go. 2011, Shaunti Feldhahn, The Lights of Tenth Street
      Jackson shook his head. "The contractor said those panes could go at any moment." / "Right. Just like the wiring could go at any moment, and the roof could go at any moment." 2012, Carolyn Keene, Mardi Gras Masquerade, page 38
    2. (intransitive) To break down or decay.
      My mind is going.
      She's 83; her eyesight is starting to go.
  22. (intransitive) To be sold.
    The car went for five thousand dollars.
    The store is closing down so everything must go.
  23. (intransitive) To be discarded or disposed of.
    This chair has got to go.
    All this old rubbish can go.
  24. (intransitive) To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.
    The property shall go to my wife.
    The award went to Steven Spielberg.
    If my money goes to education, I want a report card. 2007, David Bouchier, The Song of Suburbia: Scenes from Suburban Life, page 19
  25. (transitive, intransitive) To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.
    Against the Big Green, Princeton went the entire first and third quarters without gaining a first down, […] 1983, Princeton Alumni Weekly, volume 84, page 48
    England have now gone four games without a win at Wembley, their longest sequence without a victory in 30 years, and still have much work to do to reach Euro 2012 as they prepare for a testing trip to face Bulgaria in Sofia in September. June 4, 2011, Phil McNulty, “England 2-2 Switzerland”, in BBC
    'Surely one cannot go for long in this world to-day without at least a thought for St Simon Stylites?' 2011, H. R. F. Keating, Zen there was Murder →ISBN
    How long can you go without water?
    We've gone without your help for a while now.
    I've gone ten days now without a cigarette.
    Can you two go twenty minutes without arguing?!
  26. (transitive, sports) To have a certain record.
    They've gone one for three in this series.
    The team is going five in a row.
  27. To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:
    1. (intransitive) Of an opinion or instruction, to have (final) authority; to be authoritative.
      Whatever the boss says goes, do you understand?
    2. (intransitive) To be accepted.
      Anything goes around here.
    3. (intransitive) To be valid.
      [To job interviews, wear] muted colors. No pink or paisley (that goes for you too, guys!) […] 2014, Shayna Lance King, If You'd Read This Book: You'd Be Employed By Now, page 22
  28. To say (something), to make a sound:
    1. (transitive, colloquial) To say (something, aloud or to oneself). (Often used in present tense.)
      I go, "As if!" And she was all like, "Whatever!"
      As soon as I did it, I went "that was stupid."
    2. (transitive) To make the (specified) sound.
      Cats go "meow". Motorcycles go "vroom".
    3. (intransitive) To sound; to make a noise.
      At 4pm, the phone went. It was The Sun: 'We hear your daughter's been expelled for cheating at her school exams[…]' / / She'd made a remark to a friend at the end of the German exam and had been pulled up for talking. / / As they left the exam room, she muttered that the teacher was a 'twat'. He heard and flipped—a pretty stupid thing to do, knowing the kids were tired and tense after exams. Instead of dropping it, the teacher complained to the Head and Deb was carpeted. June 24 1992, Edwina Currie, Diary
      I woke up just before the clock went.
  29. To be expressed or composed (a certain way).
    The tune goes like this.
    As the story goes, he got the idea for the song while sitting in traffic.
  30. (intransitive) To resort (to).
    I'll go to court if I have to.
  31. To apply or subject oneself to:
    1. To apply oneself; to undertake; to have as one's goal or intention. (Compare be going to.)
      I'm going to join a sports team.
      I wish you'd go and get a job.
      He went to pick it up, but it rolled out of reach.
      He's going to leave town tomorrow.
      Now I didn't go to make that mistake about the record-breaking drought of more than fifty years ago, but, boy, am I glad I made it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have heard from Joe Almand. 1990, Celestine Sibley, Tokens of myself, page 73
    2. (intransitive) To make an effort, to subject oneself (to something).
      You didn't have to go to such trouble.
      I never thought he'd go so far as to call you.
      She went to great expense to help them win.
    3. (intransitive) To work (through or over), especially mentally.
      I've gone over this a hundred times.
      Let's not go into that right now.
  32. To fit (in a place, or together with something):
    1. (intransitive, often followed by a preposition) To fit.
      Do you think the sofa will go through the door?
      The belt just barely went around his waist.
    2. (intransitive) To be compatible, especially of colors or food and drink.
      This shade of red doesn't go with the drapes.
      White wine goes better with fish than red wine.
    3. (intransitive) To belong (somewhere).
      My shirts go on this side of the wardrobe.
      This piece of the jigsaw goes on the other side.
  33. (intransitive) To date.
    How long have they been going together?
    He's been going with her for two weeks.
  34. (transitive) To (begin to) date or have sex with (a particular race).
    You can date black, you can do white, on a slow night maybe even go for an Asian boy, but most likely you'll go Latino unless the aforementioned guys speak a little Spanish […] 2005, Frederick Smith, Down For Whatever, Kensington Books, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 197
    I felt that was an insult to John Lennon, but I married her anyway. Thinking back, I should have gone Asian. 2010-11-09, Greg Fitzsimmons, Dear Mrs. Fitzsimmons: Tales of Redemption from an Irish Mailbox, Simon and Schuster, page 166
    “I could give a flying fuck less if Ronnie dated a Martian, but the fact of the matter is that it would not be cool for him to go Asian. He knows it and I know it.” Ronnie did not respond at all. Shit, he wanted to date Tai in the worst way, […] 2010, Marty Nazzaro, The City of Presidents, FriesenPress, page 131
    In fact, Hispanics and Asians are riding the wave—26 percent of Latino and 31 percent of Asian newlywed couples were mixed race or ethnicity. And, when marrying out, we went white—four in ten Latinos married a white spouse, […] 2011-05-03, Sandra Guzmán, The New Latina’s Bible: The Modern Latina’s Guide to Love, Spirituality, Family, and La Vida, Basic Books, →LCCN, →OCLC
    She's gone black now. That's a big change for you, Cassie. So tell me, is it true what they say about black men? 2012-03-01, Sylvia Lett, All Night Lover, Kensington Publishing Corp., →OCLC, page 182
    “She went black,” he remembers. “She only started dating black guys. Or foreigners.” 2017-05-16, Judith A. Yates, "She Is Evil!": Madness and Murder in Memphis, WildBlue Press, →OCLC
    “Your twin is dating a white man,” Lashana interjected. […] “[…]Now, let me get this straight, Eb, you've gone white?” 2018-11-27, M.J. Kane, A Heart Not Easily Broken (Butterfly Memoirs), Written Musings
    She's hot. Hey, how are your parents about it all? I mean, you're breaking two taboos there—you're dating women, and you've gone white. 2022-01-04, Radhika Sanghani, 30 Things I Love About Myself, Penguin, →LCCN, →OCLC
  35. To attack:
    1. (intransitive) To fight or attack.
      You wanna go, little man? 2002, “Objects in Space”, in Firefly, Jayne Cobb (actor)
      I went at him with a knife.
    2. (transitive, obsolete, US, slang) To fight.
      You've shown me his weak points, and I'll go him whether you stick by me or not. 1900, Burt L. Standish, Frank Merriwell's Tricks: Or True Friends and False
    3. (transitive, Australian slang) To attack.
      As big as me. Strong, too. I was itching to go him, And he had clouted Ernie. 1964, Robert Close, Love Me Sailor, page 131
      Then I′m sure I heard him mutter ‘Why don′t you get fucked,’ under his breath. It was at that moment that I became a true professional. Instead of going him, I announced the next song. 2002, James Freud, I am the Voice Left from Drinking, unnumbered page
      Tom stepped back, considered the hill, and taking off down it. She was going to go him for blowing that flamin′ whistle in her ear all day. 2005, Joy Dettman, One Sunday, page 297
  36. To be in general; to be usually; often in comparison to others of the same group.
    Booster is not a loud trumpeter as elephants go. 1975, Private Eye, numbers 340-366, page 9
    They are fairly rough and ready as models go, not often driven to the rigor of an authentic scientific law, and never worried about coming out with some revolutionary mathematical language — but models nonetheless, […] 1982, Fernand Braudel, On History, page 40
    She was, as girls go, scrawny and muscular, yet her boyish frame had in the last year betrayed her. 1991, Katherine Paterson, Lyddie
  37. (transitive) To take (a particular part or share); to participate in to the extent of.
    Let's go halves on this.
  38. (transitive) To yield or weigh.
    This'll go three tons to the acre, or I'll eat my shirt. 1910, Ray Stannard Baker, Adventures in Friendship, page 182
    Those babies go five tons apiece.
  39. (transitive, intransitive) To offer, bid or bet an amount; to pay.
    That's as high as I can go.
    We could go two fifty.
    I'll go a ten-spot.
    I'll go you a shilling.
    I'll go him one better.
  40. (transitive, colloquial) To enjoy. (Compare go for.)
    I could go a beer right about now.
  41. (intransitive, colloquial) To urinate or defecate.
    I really need to go.
    Have you managed to go today, Mrs. Miggins?
    Clarence was just as surprised to see Richard, and he went—right there in the doorway. I had slept through all this mayhem on the other side of the apartment. By the time I got up, these were all semi-comical memories and the urine had been cleaned up. 2006, Kevin Blue, Practical Justice: Living Off-Center in a Self-Centered World, page 54
  42. (imperative) Expressing encouragement or approval.
    Go, girl! You can do it!


  1. (uncommon) The act of going.
    The Apostles were to be the first of a line. They would multiply successors, and the successors would die and their successors after them, but the line would never fail; and the come and go of men would not matter, since it is the one Christ operating through all of them. 1993, Francis J. Sheed, Theology and Sanity
    They talk easily together and they hear the come and go of the breeze in the soon to be turning burnt leaves of the high trees. 2009, Mark Raney, David Midgett, page 68
  2. A turn at something, or in something (e.g. a game).
    You’ve been on that pinball machine long enough—now let your brother have a go.
    It’s your go.
  3. An attempt, a try.
    I’ll give it a go.
    You have to stay and we will have a go at winning the championship next season." 2012, Alex Montgomery, Martin O'Neill: The Biography, page 196
  4. An approval or permission to do something, or that which has been approved.
    We will begin as soon as the boss says it's a go.
    "Well, Tom, is it a go? You can trust me, for you'll have the thousand in your pocket before you start.[…]" 1894, Bret Harte, The Sheriff of Siskyou
    And as soon as we gave them the go to continue, we lost communication. 2009, Craig Nelson, Rocket Men: The Epic Story of the First Men on the Moon
  5. An act; the working or operation.
    1598, John Marston, Pigmalion, The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Image and Certaine Satyres, 1856, J. O. Halliwell (editor), The Works of John Marston: Reprinted from the Original Editions, Volume 3, page 211, Let this suffice, that that same happy night, So gracious were the goes of marriage […]
  6. (slang, dated) A circumstance or occurrence; an incident, often unexpected.
    1839, Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, in 1868, The Works of Charles Dickens, Volume 2: Nicholas Nickleby, Martin Chuzzlewit, American Notes, page 306, “Well, this is a pretty go, is this here! An uncommon pretty go!
    “Ain't this a rum go? This is a queer sort of dodge for lighting the streets.” 1869, Punch, volume 57, page 257
    The images of Mrs. Squeers, my daughter, and my son Wackford, all short of vittles, is perpetually before me; every other consideration melts away and vanishes, in front of these; the only number in all arithmetic that I know of, as a husband and a father, is number one, under this here most fatal go! 1839, Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby
    It’s a rum go and no mistake. 2018-02-11, Colin Dexter, Russell Lewis, 01:02:03 from the start, in Endeavour(Cartouche), season 5, episode 2 (TV series), spoken by DCI Fred Thursday (Roger Allam)
  7. (dated) The fashion or mode.
    quite the go
    We are blowing each other out of the market with cheapness; but it is all the go, so we must not be behind the age. 1852, Jane Thomas (née Pinhorn), The London and Paris ladies' magazine of fashion (page 97)
  8. (dated) Noisy merriment.
    a high go
    Gemmen (says he), you all well know The joy there is whene'er we meet; It's what I call the primest go, And rightly named, 'tis—'quite a treat,' […] 1820, Thomas Moore, W. Simpkin, R. Marshall, Jack Randall's Diary of Proceedings at the House of Call for Genius
  9. (slang, archaic) A glass of spirits; a quantity of spirits.
    When the cloth was removed, Mr. Thomas Potter ordered the waiter to bring in two goes of his best Scotch whiskey, with warm water and sugar, and a couple of his "very mildest" Havannas, 1836, Charles Dickens, Sketches by Boz
    “Then, if you value it so highly,” I said, “you can hardly object to stand half a go of brandy for its recovery.” 1868 March, In a City Bus, in the Eclectic Magazine, new series volume VII, number 3
  10. (dated) A portion
  11. (uncountable) Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance.
    There is no go in him.
  12. (cribbage) The situation where a player cannot play a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.
  13. A period of activity.
    ate it all in one go
    This could mean that the artist traced the illustration in two goes, as it were, or that the Utrecht Psalter slipped while he was tracing, but I do not think that the relative proportions are consistent enough to demonstrate this. 1995, William Noel, The Harley Psalter, page 65
  14. (obsolete, British slang) A dandy; a fashionable person.
    That TOM, who was the GO among the GOES, in the very centre of fashion in London, should have to encounter the vulgar stare of this village; or, that the dairy-maid should leave off skimming her cream to take a peep at our hero, as he mounted his courser, is not at all surprising: and TOM only smiled at this provincial sort of rudeness. 1881, Pierce Egan, chapter VII, in Tom and Jerry, page 136
    He's a go among the goes, is Mr. Kestrel. He's only got to sport a new kind of topper, or tie his crumpler a new way, and every gentry-cove in town does just the same. 2012, Kate Ross, A Broken Vessel
    See Thesaurus:dandy


  1. (postpositive, chiefly military and space flight) Working correctly and ready to commence operation; approved and able to be put into action.
    John Glenn reports all systems are go. 1962, United States. Congress, Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the […] Congress, page 2754
    "Life support system is go," said the earphone. 1964, Instruments and Control Systems
    Green One has four starts and is go. 2011, Matthew Stover, Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor: Star Wars Legends, Del Rey
    “Weapons ready?” Sam and I pull our loaded BB guns out of the bag and slot them into place in the longholsters on our backs.“ Weapons are go,” Sam replied. 2016, Tim Brewster, Stuck: It's About to Get Very Weird[…], Lulu.com, page 118

Etymology 2

From the Japanese 碁 (go), one character of the game's more usual Japanese name 囲碁 (igo), taken from the Chinese 圍棋 / 围棋 (wéiqí).


  1. (board games) A strategic board game, originally from China and today also popular in Japan and Korea, in which two players (black and white) attempt to control the largest area of the board with their counters.

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