
Etymology 1

From Middle English right, from Old English riht (“right,” also the word for “straight” and “direct”), from Proto-Germanic *rehtaz, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reǵtós (“having moved in a straight line”), from *h₃reǵ- (“to straighten, direct”). An Indo-European past participle, it became a Germanic adjective which has been used also as a noun since the common Germanic period. Cognate with West Frisian rjocht, Dutch recht, German recht and Recht, Swedish rätt and rät, Danish ret, Norwegian Bokmål rett, Norwegian Nynorsk rett, and Icelandic rétt. The Indo-European root is also the source of Ancient Greek ὀρεκτός (orektós) and Latin rēctus; Albanian drejt was borrowed from Latin.


  1. (archaic) Straight, not bent.
    a right line
  2. (geometry) Of an angle, having a size of 90 degrees, or one quarter of a complete rotation; the angle between two perpendicular lines.
    The kitchen counter formed a right angle with the back wall.
  3. (geometry) Of a geometric figure, incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.
    a right triangle   a right prism   a right cone
  4. Complying with justice, correctness, or reason; correct, just, true.
    If there be no prospect beyond the grave, the inference is certainly right, "Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die." 1610, John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book II
    there are some dispositions blame-worthy in men, which are yet, in a right sense, holily ascribed unto God; as unchangeableness, and irrepentance. 1808, Bishop Joseph Hall, Devotional works
    What do you send me into London for, giving me only the right to call for my dinner at the Black Lion, which you’re to pay for next time you go, as if I was not to be trusted with a few shillings? Why do you use me like this? It’s not right of you. You can’t expect me to be quiet under it. 1841, Charles Dickens, chapter 13, in Barnaby Rudge
    Sam Tyler: Look, look, you know when I said I wasn't wrong? Well, I was. But I was right about this not being the IRA. I was right to follow my instincts. Like you said, go with your gut feeling. I'm just taking your lead. Gene Hunt: So I'm right. Sam Tyler: We both are. Gene Hunt: Right. Sam Tyler: Right. Gene Hunt: Just as long as I'm more right than you. March 6 2007, Julie Rutterford, Life on Mars, Season 2, Episode 3
    But when that patient requests access to medical care that violates some religious tenet, is it right that he or she either be denied outright or forced to seek an alternative facility? January 4 2018, Catherine Ford, “Religious-Based Health Care Raises Ethical Questions”, in Calgary Herald
    That's not the right thing to do.
    So I was right all along? C'mon. I want to hear you say it.
  5. Appropriate, perfectly suitable; fit for purpose.
    Is this the right software for my computer?
  6. Healthy, sane, competent.
    I'm afraid my father is no longer in his right mind.
  7. Real; veritable (used emphatically).
    You've made a right mess of the kitchen!
    He's got a wicked sense of fun, he can be a right laugh, he's ever so broadminded – ooh, and he's got a lovely broad chest too. 2016, Sarah Harvey, A Laugh-out-loud Modern Love Story
    […]in this battle and whole business the Britons never more plainly manifested themselves to be right barbarians: no rule, no foresight, no forecast, experience, or estimation 1670, John Milton, The History of Britain
  8. (Australia) All right; not requiring assistance.
    Kirsty: I suppose you're hungry. Would you like something to eat? Ken: No. I'm right, thanks. 1986, David Williamson, “What If You Died Tomorrow”, in Collected plays, volume 1, Currency Press, page 310
    When the sales assistant sees the customer, she asks Are you right, sir? This means Are you all right? She wants to know if he needs any help. 2001, Catherine Menagé, Access to English, National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, NSW: Sydney, page 25
    'You lost?' Colin spun round. Looking at him was a nurse, her eyebrows raised. / 'No, I'm right, thanks,' said Colin.' 2001, Morris Gleitzman, Two weeks with the Queen, Pan Macmillan Australia, page 75
  9. (dated) Most favourable or convenient; fortunate.
    The lady has been disappointed on the right side. c. 1707, “Joseph Addison”, in The Tatler
  10. Designating the side of the body which is positioned to the east if one is facing north, the side on which the heart is not located in most humans. This arrow points to the reader's right: →
    After the accident, her right leg was slightly shorter than her left.
  11. (geography) Designating the bank of a river (etc.) on one's right when facing downstream (i.e. facing forward while floating with the current); that is, the south bank of a river that flows eastward. If this arrow: ⥴ shows the direction of the current, the tilde is on the right side of the river.
  12. Designed to be placed or worn outward.
    the right side of a piece of cloth
  13. (politics) Pertaining to the political right; conservative.

Etymology 2

From Middle English right, righte, from Old English rihte, rehte (“right; rightly; due; directly; straight”), from Proto-Germanic *rehta, from *rehtaz (“right; straight”).


  1. On the right side.
  2. Towards the right side.
  3. Exactly, precisely.
    The arrow landed right in the middle of the target.
    Luckily we arrived right at the start of the film.
    Then there came a reg'lar terror of a sou'wester same as you don't get one summer in a thousand, and blowed the shanty flat and ripped about half of the weir poles out of the sand. We spent consider'ble money getting 'em reset, and then a swordfish got into the pound and tore the nets all to slathers, right in the middle of the squiteague season. 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 1, in Mr. Pratt's Patients
  4. Immediately, directly.
    Can't you see it? It's right beside you!
    Tom was standing right in front of the TV, blocking everyone's view.
  5. (Britain, US, dialect) Very, extremely, quite.
    I made a right stupid mistake there, didn't I?
    I stubbed my toe a week ago and it still hurts right much.
    a right godly treatise 1549, John Calvin, Of the life or conuersation of a Christen man, a right godly treatise
    That's long enough for any small town." Lyon leaned forward. "Do you like Lawrenceville, Mr. Hill?" The driver cocked his head. "Aeah. Why not? Born here. It's a right nice town 1966, Jacqueline Susann, Valley of the Dolls, page 214
    Well, that would be right neighborly of you, miss. 2004, Jon Sharpe, Nebraska nightmare
    But it would be right neighborly and Christian of you to put your own wants aside for a spell. 2008, Luke Cypher, Red Mesa, page 101
    The fog was right hard to see through so I was on Tom Pritchard before I saw him. 2011, Ann Hite, Ghost on Black Mountain
    Kids nowadays were a right thrillproof bunch. The Armoury Section had, unexpectedly, proved to be a real moodclunker. 2015, Jeff Torrington, Swing Hammer Swing!, page 255
  6. According to fact or truth; actually; truly; really.
  7. In a correct manner.
    Do it right or don't do it at all.
  8. (dated, still used in some titles) To a great extent or degree.
    Sir, I am right glad to meet you …
    Members of the Queen's Privy Council are styled The Right Honourable for life.
    The Right Reverend Monsignor Guido Sarducci.
    He b'iled right over, and the tongue-lashing he give that boss Right Liver beat anything I ever listened to. There was heap of Scriptur' language in it, and more brimstone than you'd find in a match factory. 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 13, in Mr. Pratt's Patients


  1. Yes, that is correct; I agree.
    Sam Tyler: Look, look, you know when I said I wasn't wrong? Well, I was. But I was right about this not being the IRA. I was right to follow my instincts. Like you said, go with your gut feeling. I'm just taking your lead. Gene Hunt: So I'm right. Sam Tyler: We both are. Gene Hunt: Right. Sam Tyler: Right. Gene Hunt: Just as long as I'm more right than you. March 6 2007, Julie Rutterford, Life on Mars, Season 2, Episode 3
    Tell her you’re here. Right. Thanks, Pete. Audio (US) (file) 2016, VOA Learning English (public domain)
    — United's the best team in the country. — Right. And they'll go all the way for sure. — Damn right they will.
  2. I have listened to what you just said and I acknowledge your assertion or opinion, regardless of whether I agree with it (opinion) or can verify it (assertion).
    Sam Tyler: Look, look, you know when I said I wasn't wrong? Well, I was. But I was right about this not being the IRA. I was right to follow my instincts. Like you said, go with your gut feeling. I'm just taking your lead. Gene Hunt: So I'm right. Sam Tyler: We both are. Gene Hunt: Right. Sam Tyler: Right. Gene Hunt: Just as long as I'm more right than you. March 6 2007, Julie Rutterford, Life on Mars, Season 2, Episode 3
    — United's the best team in the country, so they'll come up with something. — Right. And do you think they'll go all the way?
  3. Signpost word to change the subject in a discussion or discourse.
    — After that interview, I don't think we should hire her. — Right. Who wants lunch?
  4. Used to check listener engagement and (especially) agreement at the end of an utterance or each segment thereof.
    You're going, right?
    I went downstairs, right, and I was going to call her, but I found this note, right, so what am I supposed to do now?
  5. Used to add seriousness or decisiveness before a statement.
    Withnail: Right […] I'm gonna do the washing up. 1987, Withnail and I

Etymology 3

From Middle English right, righte, reght, reghte, riȝt, riȝte, from Old English riht, reht, ġeriht (“that which is right, just, or proper; a right; due; law; canon; rule; direction; justice; equity; standard”), from Proto-West Germanic *reht, from Proto-Germanic *rehtą (“a right”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reǵtom, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reǵt- (“to straighten; direct”). Cognate with Dutch recht (“a right; privilege”), German Recht (“a right”), Danish ret (“a right”).


  1. That which complies with justice, law or reason.
    We're on the side of right in this contest.
    Throughout our history, whenever evil forces prevailed, the altruistic and upright people have always shown their great wisdom by adhering to the right against the wrong, renouncing wrongful gain for justice, displaying their great benevolence in national salvation and summoning their great courage to surmount the crisis and turn back the perverse tide. July 22, 1973 [July 17, 1973], Kai-shek Chiang, “President Chiang Kai-shek's message to the mass rally supporting Captive Nations Week”, in Free China Weekly, volume XIV, number 28, Taipei, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 1
  2. A legal, just or moral entitlement.
    You have no right to go through my personal diary.
    There are no rights whatever, without corresponding duties. 1825, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Table Talk
    Ivor had acquired more than a mile of fishing rights with the house ; he was not at all a good fisherman, but one must do something ; one generally, however, banged a ball with a squash-racket against a wall. 1922, Michael Arlen, “3/19/2”, in “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days
    Policing the relationship between government and business in a free society is difficult. Businesspeople have every right to lobby governments, and civil servants to take jobs in the private sector. 2013-08-10, Schumpeter, “Cronies and capitols”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848
  3. The right side or direction.
    The pharmacy is just on the right past the bookshop.
  4. The right hand or fist.
    Before he could strike again, however, I got in my right, and he was sprawling on his back on the floor. 1897, Bram Stoker, Dracula, published 1993, page 129
  5. The authority to perform, publish, film, or televise a particular work, event, etc.; a copyright.
  6. (politics) The ensemble of right-wing political parties; political conservatives as a group.
    The political right holds too much power.
    Sunak seems so scared of his party's swivel-eyed right wing that he has been panicked into focusing all new legislation on perceived 'red meat' issues which he hopes the Tory right will support. May 31 2023, Nigel Harris, “Comment: GBR now! We have no Plan B”, in RAIL, number 984, page 3
  7. The outward or most finished surface, as of a coin, piece of cloth, a carpet, etc.
    Simple cross-stitch, with a space between each stitch, may be worked in two rows, in which case the completed stitch on the wrong sides alternates with that on the right. 1890, The Woman's World, page 434
    For the large size, two pieces of silk, eighteen inches wide and twenty-seven inches long, are sewed together at three sides, rights together, leaving one end open. 1913, Woman's Home Companion - Volume 40, page 40
    In case there is a right and wrong side to the tops, put two rights together. 1918, Pacific Rural Press - Volume 95, page 392
  8. (surfing) A wave breaking from right to left (viewed from the shore).

Etymology 4

From Middle English righten, reghten, riȝten, from Old English rihtan, ġerihtan (“to straighten, judge, set upright, set right”), from Proto-West Germanic *rihtijan, from Proto-Germanic *rihtijaną (“to straighten; rectify; judge”).


  1. (transitive) To correct.
    Righting all the wrongs of the war immediately will be impossible.
  2. (transitive) To set upright.
    The tow-truck righted what was left of the automobile.
  3. (intransitive) To return to normal upright position.
    When the wind died down, the ship righted.
  4. (transitive) To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; to restore rights to; to assert or regain the rights of.
    to right the oppressed
    All experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. 1776, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Declaration of Independence

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